Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Household cleaning tasks

To clean deodorant stains on clothes: Mix a past of baking soda and a small amount of water, then work it into the stain and allow it to sit for a few hours. Brush away and repeat as necessary. Alternatively, try lemon juice with a liberal sprinkling of salt. Scrub with an old toothbrush, and let dry in direct sunlight.

To clean burnt pots and pans: Mix baking soda with water, bring to a boil, let cool, then scrub with a non-abrasive scouring pad. White vinegar is also an option (instead of baking soda) but this can create a rather strong odour. Tougher stains may call for a detergent paste or even over cleaner, but try milder solutions first.

To get gum out of carpeting: Apply an ice cube wrapped in a thin towel or plastic bag to freeze the gum, and then chip away with a spoon or dull knife. The smaller bits can be loosened with a degreasing product, cooking oil or even peanut butter, but these could stain your carpet so always test first.

Note: Always test any cleaning solution on an inconspicuous area or surface before using.

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