Monday, December 12, 2011

Maximizing good neighbour behaviour!

Essentially, being a good neighbour means being considerate of how your behaviou affects your fellow residents. Here are some tips to keep in mind!

Keep up with garden chores

If you have a yard, keep your lawn mowed, your trees and bushes trimmed and your weeds under control. (I wish that some of my neighbours would read this!!) A well kept yard is welcoming to neighbours, and could encourage pride in their homes and neighbourhood!

Be conscientious about noise

Mowing your lawn in the early morning or during dinner can be intrusive, especillay in warmer weather when neighbours are enjoying dining outdoors. The same consideration should be taken with snow blowers and other loud equipment.
This rule applies to parties too. Give neighbours advance notice of the day you plan to have a party, the start time and when you expect it to end. Let them know that if the nouse gets too loud, they are welcome to call you.

Keep your dog under control

Always keep your dog on a leash during walks and never let it run free in the neighbourhood. Anyone with a fewar of dogs could be afraid to exit their own home. Keep barking to a minimum. For someone relaxing in their backyard, it can become an annoyance quickly. And, of course, always clean up after your dog.

Welcome new neighbours

A friendly welcome to new neighbours can immediately provide them with a sense of belonging. Let them know garbage and recycling days, where to find the local grocery store and post office, and offer to be their go-to person for questions about the community.

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